Over The Sill Window Air Conditioners Explained (Are Saddle & U Shaped AC Units Better Than Traditional Ones)

Over The Sill Window Air Conditioner

Over the sill, saddle and U shaped, these are three names for a unique type of air conditioner. These kinds of units are designed to sit over your window sill, so they are able to seal of more of your home from the outside weather. There are many different benefits of these kinds of units and in this article, you’ll find over the sill window air conditioners explained. We’ll also ask are saddle and u shaped AC units better than traditional ones?

Just looking for a quick answer? In short, over the sill window air conditioners are a great alternative for a traditional unit. They are much easier to install, take up less space, and are more energy efficient. If you want to have one in your household, go for the highly rated Soleus Air Exclusive Saddle Air Conditioner or the Midea U Shaped Inverter Window AC Unit.

What Is An Over The Sill Window Air Conditioner?

We all know what standard window air conditioners look like. They tend to be big, bulky and block most of the window when installed in a traditional way. This causes a lot of problems, and can be quite frustrating after some time.

So it is a good thing that some companies are looking to take the window air conditioner to its next stage of evolution. Enter the over the sill window air conditioner, a completely new concept, set to revolutinise home air conditioning.

The easy way to explain an over the sill window air conditioner is that it does exactly as it sounds, sits over the sill. Conventional air conditioners tend to take up a large chunk of space in the window, blocking views and also letting in outside air.

The new over the sill AC units have a u shaped cavity in the middle, allowing them to sit over the window sill, and in doing so, sit lower than the window, no longer obstructing views.

These new air conditioners also seal off more of the window, leading to much more effective cooling and also a more secure fit. Typical window air conditioner are normally 20 inches wide and 15 inches high.

This means that on average you ae losing 300 sq ft of window space, a large chunk of natural sunlight and you also have to contend with them being fairly unsecure and easy to knock out of the window.

By contrast, over the sill air conditioners grant full view through the window, since they sit lower than the window itself. In addition, they are also more than 35% more energy efficient, far quieter and much easier to install, just slide it right over the sill and you’re good to go.

What Is The Difference Between Over The Sill, Saddle & U Shaped?

These three terms all mean the same thing. They’re all referring to an air conditioner that sits over the sill. Some people call the u shaped, because with the cavity through its middle it looks like an inverted letter u.

Other people refer to these units as saddle air conditioners, due to the way they sit over the window sill. They have the appearance of a saddle sitting over a horse’s back, hence the name. But all these terms still refer to the same air conditioner.

Although the Midea air conditioner is unique since it has the cavity facing upwards, to allow the window to slide into it, making it more secure.

What Are The Benefits Of An Over The Sill VS Window Air Conditioner?

Now looking at these units in more detail, the benefits are definitely attractive. To start with over the sill air conditioners have a low profile, which means natural light is not going to be obstructed from illuminating your home. 

This in turn saves you money on the electric bill, since you can rely much more on natural light, than having to switch on a light bulb. Already these units are saving you money before you turn them on.

In addition to this, the low profile also gives you clear, unobstructed views out of your window. This in turn gives added security since you can see out at all times.

Another benefit of the over the sill air conditioners is how much easier they are to install compared to conventional window air conditioners. To install these its just a matter of sliding them over the window, then closing the window on top.

These kinds of air conditioners minimise the hole left in the window by up to 80%, which is incredible to save that much window space. This is one of the ways they help save you money.

Over the sill air conditioners make it so easy to install, that absolutely anyone can install them. It is no longer necessary to call out expensive contractors to install these units for you, you just have to slide them over the window and you’re good to go.

Perhaps the biggest benefit of over the sill air conditioners is their high level of energy efficiency. These types of units are more than 35% more energy efficient than regular window air conditioners. These means you’ll be saving big bucks on your electricity bill.

If you’re interested in the energy rating of each unit the Soleus Air Exclusive Saddle Air Conditioner has an CEER (combined energy-efficient ratio) rating of 12.1 

While this is impressive it is still less than the Midea U Inverter Window Air Conditioner which has a whopping EER of 15. This is a huge energy saving which is well and truly over and above what conventional window air conditioners are rated.

Lastly, these air conditioners are incredibly quiet, which is a great benefit for most households. Anyone who has been around air conditioners knows how loud they can get which can be very irritating.

Over the sill air conditioners have a decibel level of below 50, which makes them almost as quiet as sitting in a library. This is remarkable and an incredible plus for anyone who needs cooling in their home.

Can The Window Gap Be Sealed?

Over the sill air conditioners are fantastic for all the reasons listed above, and much more beneficial than conventional window air conditioner units.

That being said when you install the units, depending on the width of your window, you may be left with a gap on wither side.

Thankfully there are ways to close this gap.

This can be done by way of a specialized window kit.

There are several to choose from, depending on your window type, like the Soleus Air Sliding Window Kit or something like AnyAir Window Air Conditioner Season Protection.

Both of these will seal the gap in your window, giving you perfect cooling at home without worrying about bugs or security problems.

Saddle U Shaped AC Unit

Soleus VS Midea: What Is The Difference

The Soleus Air Exclusive Saddle Air Conditioner and Midea U Inverter Window Air Conditioner are both exceptional over the sill air conditioners, that are absolutely revolutionizing the market. 

While they are both saddle shaped units there are two key differences between these air conditioners, profile and energy efficiency.

This being said, both units are exceptional and will suit most homes.

The Soleus Air Exclusive Saddle Air Conditioner has an incredibly low profile, since it slides fully over your window sill and sits lower than the window itself.

This means that you have full vision out of the window as it does not obstruct anything, while letting more light in.

However if it is more important for you to have an air conditioner with high energy efficiency, the Midea U Inverter Window Air Conditioner is definitely the unit for you.

While the Soleus has a high EER rating of 12.1, the Midea kicks this up a few notches to an incredible EER rating of 15. This is a very high energy rating, which means you will be saving a lot of money whenever you use this unit.

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